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HPC1: Introduction to High Performance Computing

Booking for this course is through the IT Training Unit.

Click here to book



Research postgraduate students and staff from all faculties and research domains who are new HPC users. 


Workshop content

This is an introduction to using the High Performance Computing resources at the University of Leeds. This course includes both theory and practical exercises, and will be useful to learners who are completely new to High Performance Computing, or to those with some experience of HPC elsewhere but new to the platforms and resources at Leeds.

In this course, we cover:

  • Transferring data to and from HPC resources
  • Managing storage on HPC resources
  • Job submission, monitoring and cancellation
  • Accessing different software on the HPC system
  • Developing scripts to run codes and applications
  • Benchmarking and analysing how jobs scale

This course includes practical exercises and hands-on coding that you will be guided through. Note that this course expects basic familiarity with the Linux command line.



  • An HPC user account (Click here to get an account - a process that typically takes at least 2 full working day; please apply as soon as possible)
  • Familiarity with the Linux command line.



2 half-day sessions



This course runs two to three times per year depending on demand. If you would like a bespoke version of this course run in your department then please contact us.