Training Courses
Browse our available training courses below and click to find out more including how to book a place.
The two main categories of training we offer are in High Performance Computing (HPC) and software development (SWD).
Browse our available training courses below and click to find out more including how to book a place.
Beginner Level Courses
HPC0: Introduction to Linux for HPC
Run on campus or on-line in half a day. A practical workshop about the Linux command line and filesystem on the HPC resources at Leeds.
HPC1: Introduction to High Performance Computing
Run on campus or on-line in two half days or a full day. A practical workshop providing an overview of HPC resources at Leeds and how to use them.
SWD1a: Introduction to Python programming
This is an introduction to programming in Python for people with little or no previous programming experience.
SWD1b: Introduction to R programming
This is an introduction to programming in R for people with little or no previous programming experience.
SWD2: Version Control with Git and GitHub
This is a hands-on workshop intended as an introduction to version control using git and GitHub.
SWD3: Software development practices for Research
A one-day workshop introducing techniques and concepts that professional software developers use to manage their code, projects and teams.
HPC6: HPC for Life Sciences and Bioinformatics
A one-day workshop to introduce Biologists, Chemists and Bioinformaticians to the HPC facilities at Leeds.
Intermediate Level Courses
HPC2: Applications and containers on HPC
A one-day workshop introducing application development on the HPC service with hands on practice managing, installing and compiling code.
HPC3: Computer architectures and shared memory parallel programming
A one-day workshop introducing the OpenMP parallel programming model with hands on practice developing and adapting code to run on shared memory machines.
HPC5: Introduction to GPU programming with CUDA
A one-day workshop covering the fundamentals of parallel computing with GPUs and the CUDA programming environment.
SWD4: Cloud computing for Research
An introduction to Cloud computing services for researchers especially with regard to High Performance Computing and Big Data analysis.
SWD5: Scientific Python
A one-day workshop on Python’s main Scientific libraries (Scipy, Numpy and Matplotlib), covering how to link existing C and Fortran codes within Python code.
SWD6: High performance Python
A hands-on workshop covering the use of a set of tools and techniques aimed at improving the execution speed of your Python code.
SWD7: Introduction to reproducible workflows in Python
A one-day workshop covering best practises for reproducible scientific code development and how to implement these into their day-to-day Python workflows.