Research Computing Bitesize Videos

Find a number of simple walkthrough videos below that cover the basics of getting started connecting to the HPC, submitting and troubleshooting jobs as well as videos about configuring Anaconda on your personal computer.

Using HPC whilst working remotely

See below for a range of videos covering useful topics for accessing and using HPC when working remotely.

Getting MobaXTerm and connecting to ARC

Connecting to ARC from off-campus via MobaXTerm

Connecting to ARC off-campus via Linux/MacOS

Configuring your MobaXTerm Terminal for accessing ARC remotely

Data Transfer using Rsync (On Campus)

Using Conda on ARC4 (only on ARC4)

Submitting a job on ARC

Troubleshooting a job on HPC

Deleting a job in the queue

Research Remote working resources

See below for videos on how to set up useful research computing tools on your local computer when remote working.

Getting Anaconda Python and Conda package manager on Windows

Getting Anaconda Python and Conda package manager on Linux

Getting Anaconda Python and Conda package manager on MacOS

Get a Bash shell on your Windows Computer